Rhythmus, Tanz und Glück - und viele Überraschungen ....
Mit ungewöhnlichen Gegenständen, die auf den ersten Blick so was von nichts miteinander zu tun haben, ergeben sich die unglaublichsten Beziehungen -
was im Grunde das Einzigartige an "Papito"s Show ist - und die Menschen weltweit zu Begeisterungsstürmen, viel herzliches Lachen und sogar Freudentränen hinreißt.
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Hear the latin rhythms: dance and happiness, constant surprise. Out of a chest comes to two chairs and a variety of objects with which an uncommon relationship is established, with a special objective of warming the hearts of his dear public. Papito (a unique player) with happiness and a characteristic attitude, he presents a fresh and entertaining show appropriate for any public.
Papito (a different player) attempts to find and reveal his true essence, not only as an actor but also as a human being. This is a search for pure energy that transforms everything into laughs, applause and cries of joy.